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Hi everyone!

My name is Brittany Trueman, and I am the one woman show behind True Nutrition RD.


My journey to becoming a Registered Dietitian began many, many years ago. I grew up with the label 'picky eater' for most of my childhood and teen years, but it wasn't your run-of-the-mill dislike of vegetables or sandwich crusts. Instead, I had a dramatic distaste for anything overly textured, like meats, and would never let different foods touch on my plate. In my teens, the anxiety I felt over trying new foods led me to engage less with my peers. Overall, I had a pretty crappy relationship with food. 


By the time I started university, I had incorporated a number of new foods into my repertoire--thanks to my ever patient boyfriend--but, my eating habits were mostly unchanged. The catalyst for overcoming my neophobia came in my 3rd year of university when I took my first nutrition course and faced my food fears in a non-head on way. I learned about the different components of foods, how they're digested, and why they're important. As a science lover, these nutrition courses spoke a language I understood and allowed me to have a new relationship with food.


I finished my undergraduate degree in nutritional sciences from the University of Toronto eager to learn more, and soon enrolled in my second undergraduate degree from Ryerson University in food and nutrition--a specialized program necessary to become a dietitian. I then went on to obtain a master of health science in nutrition communication and interned as a dietetic student at a number of locations. 


I still consider myself to be a work in progress when it comes to trying out new foods, but I know that as a registered dietitian I have all the tools I need to continue to help myself and others have a healthy relationship with food.

Halved Avocado

True Nutrition RD provides nutritional counselling for a variety of issues and conditions including prenatal nutrition, infant introduction to solids, picky eating, weight management, generalized healthy eating, and chronic disease management (heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, irritable bowel disease, osteoporosis, and more).

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