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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Trueman, MHSc RD

New Year's Resolutions

2020 was a difficult year for many of us, but with a new year comes new opportunities and resolutions, one of which may be to eat healthier.

Canada's Food Guide recommends half your plate to be filled with fruits and vegetables at each meal. This food grouping is nutritionally dense, offering a variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients like fibre. Here are my tips to help you eat more vegetables and have a healthier year.

  1. Cut up vegetables like peppers or cucumbers soon after grocery shopping so it's easy to add them to meals or grab them as a quick snack.

  2. Have some frozen or canned options on hand such as broccoli, edamame, or corn. They keep longer, can be just as healthy as fresh produce, and take only a few minutes to heat up.

  3. Before going grocery shopping, create a weekly meal plan so you know what you’re having at each meal. If you have a plan in place and the groceries at home, you are more likely to follow through.

  4. Experiment with different herbs for flavour and cooking methods such as baking, roasting, or grilling to find out what you enjoy and prevent boredom from too much repetition.


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